Thursday, January 17, 2013


           We have been talking about transformation lately, not at just a church level, but at an individual level as well. When I think about transformation, I think of a caterpillar creeping along a life. When the time comes that caterpillar goes and makes a cocoon. During the time in the cocoon the caterpillar is transformed into a shape that is hardly recognizable.
            Many times we may see ourselves as caterpillars just creeping along the leaves of life. We may know or have some sense that we were made for something more or something greater. But, for now, we are happy being caterpillars. We resist the change we feel called to make. We don’t want to go into a cocoon. We like things just the way they are.
            During these times we get so caught up in our own little needs and desires that we forget about the big picture. We forget that the transformation of the caterpillar produces the beauty of the butterfly. It produces a shape that has wings and can soar through the air. It produces a shape that is very beautiful and is chased after by kids and grown ups alike.
            The next time you are crawling along a leaf in life, remember the caterpillar. In God’s eyes we are all beautiful and we were made for more. We were made to transform into the image of His Son. We were made to soar like butterflies and gracefully land on the petals of beautiful flowers. We were made for His pleasure and His glory.

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