Many people
have asked for my thoughts in the area of church growth. There are several
things that must be in place for a church to be able to handle, receive, and
maintain successful church growth.
First the
church must have a solid vision from
the leadership of where they would like to be in the future. The
leadership must paint a picture that the people can envision. It must be one
that is obtainable and one that everyone can support. A picture of where the
church would like to be in one, five, and even ten years is a solid place to
start. This should be a rallying point for the congregation. This should be a
vision that is exciting and should inspire the members to carry out this
mission of the congregation.
The second
foundational item should be a mission.
This should contain the specifics on how the congregation is going to reach the
goals contained within the vision set forth by the leadership. When the
congregation is on a mission, they can all pull in the same direction. It
should produce a sense of unity and support. It allows the members to spur each
other on in service to the Lord. This mission should contain the different
ministries in which the church will be involved to make an impact within the
The idea is
to have each member contributing something, anything toward the mission. These
things are truly important to church growth because they reflect the church’s
heart. They reflect the church’s attitude toward the lost, the poor, the
down-trodden, and the marginalized. These attitudes affect how genuine and
authentic our worship is and how genuine and authentic people perceive us when
we are attempting to minister to them.
Most people
can spot a fake from miles away. If we do not have a truly authentic
relationship and desire to serve the Lord, people we will not respond to out
outreach efforts. The foundation boils down to the church having a solid
identity. They know who they are, where they are going, and have a good idea on
how to get there.
Any ideas for
events and programs must, therefore, be pliable and moldable in order to fit
the congregation’s mission and vision. When these ideas produce solid results as
far as generating guests, they must be welcomed into a community of believers.
When we create community, growth comes by drawing those guests into that
community of believers and turning them into solid disciples of Christ.
there is no “magic bullet” of church growth. Yet, when a congregation has a solid identity and a great focus, growth will be the
natural byproduct of community service and outreach.
The last
piece of this puzzle is a congregation’s ability to change their fishing nets, the way in which we attempt to
reach others. The messages never changes. It is always, always the Gospel of
Jesus Christ. But, our times and our culture changes very rapidly, thus our
methods of delivering the message must change. To put it in fishing terms, you
simply do not fish for catfish the same way you fish for bass or trout or
marlin. It is surprising to me how many congregations want to use the same
outreach methods that worked in 1955 and are astonished when they do not get
the same positive results in 2014 – many times failing completely.
Recently, a congregation in the
town in which we live held a tent revival. The event was well publicized. There
were radio spots, flyers, banners, and guest speakers that went from
congregation to congregation to plug the event. In the 50s and 60s this event
may have been too crowded for everyone to get a seat. The event barely had one
third of the chairs filled each night. The message did not change. The speakers
were very good at delivering the message. The weather was nice. What went
wrong? In 2014, we have internet streaming, DVDs, multiple television channels
with religious programming, and many other avenues in which people can watch or
listen to the message on their own time. Our information and technology flooded
culture has become one where relationship trumps the event. People want to be
cared for over informed. We must change our methods if we are to see long term
“On the one hand we are obligated to remain faithful to the unchanging Word
of God. On the other hand we must minister in an ever-changing world.”
“Every church needs to grow warmer through fellowship, deeper through
discipleship, stronger through through worship, and larger through evangelism.”
- Rick Warren,
The Purpose Driven Church